Likhoebo tsa laser tse fetang 200 tsa malapeng le tsa kantle ho naha li bokana ho fumana kopano e "thabisang".
Seboka sa Lefatše sa Indasteri ea Laser sa 2024 se neng se tšoaretsoe Jinan se hohetse litsi tse fetang 200 tsa indasteri tsa machaba, mekhatlo ea khoebo le lik'hamphani tsa laser tse tsoang China-Belarus Industrial Park e Belarus, Manhattan Special Economic Zone e Cambodia, British China Business Council, le Jeremane Federal Federal. Federeishene ea Likhoebo tse Nyane le tse Mahareng ho bokana Shandong ho batla tšebelisano-'moho ea indasteri le menyetla ea khoebo.
"Ho se ho na le liindasteri tse 'maloa UK tse ruileng molemo o moholo ka ho sebetsa ka laser, joalo ka masoba a pholiso a blade ea jet, ho cheka liente tsa mafura a likoloi, khatiso ea 3D, le ho qhaqha litanka tsa mafura a radioactive magnox."LAN Patel, motsamaisi ea ka sehloohong oa Lekhotla la Khoebo la China-Brithani, o boletse puong sebakeng sa ketsahalo hore nakong e tlang, ts'ebetso ea laser e tla fetoha tloaelo ea tlhahiso ea Brithani, ho e-na le mokhoa o khethehileng oa ho sebetsa."Sena se bolela ho netefatsa hore likhoebo tse nyane, tse mahareng le tse kholo li na le litsebo, lichelete, tsebo le ts'epo ea ho etsa ts'ebetso ea laser kapele le ka nepo."
LAN Patel o lumela hore nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea laser ea UK e ntse e hloka ho rarolla mathata a ho eketsa chelete ea batho ba nang le litsebo, ho fokotsa bothata ba ho tsetela le ho tšehetsa lichelete, ho theha le ho khothaletsa mekhoa e tloaelehileng, ho khothalletsa ho iketsetsa le katoloso ea sekala.
Friedmann Hofiger, mopresidente oa sebaka le moeletsi e moholo oa Jeremane Federal Federation of Small and Medium-size Enterprises, o boletse puisanong le baqolotsi ba litaba hore mokhatlo ke o mong oa mekhatlo e meholo e emelang likhoebo tse nyane le tse mahareng tsa Jeremane, mme hajoale lik'hamphani tse ka bang 960,000 tsa litho.Ka 2023, ofisi ea moemeli oa Federation Profinseng ea Shandong e thehiloe Jinan."Nakong e tlang, ho tla thehoa kamore ea kamohelo ea baeti ea Jeremane le setsi sa lipontšo sa Jeremane sa Khoebo le phapanyetsano ea phapanyetsano Jinan ho thusa lik'hamphani tse ngata tsa Jeremane ho kena 'marakeng oa Jinan."
Friedmann Hofiger o boletse hore Jeremane le Shandong le tsona li na le likhoebo tse ngata tse ntle tsa tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa tsa laser, sebopeho sa indasteri sa mahlakoreng a mabeli se ts'oana haholo, seboka sena se tla fana ka menyetla ea lik'hamphani ka bobeli ho etsa phapanyetsano e tebileng le tšebelisano 'moho lipatlisisong tsa theknoloji le nts'etsopele, koetliso ea basebetsi le tšebelisano ea merero, le ho haha sethala se matla.
Sebokeng sena, mochine oa ho itšeha oa laser oa 120,000 oa pele o qalileng ke Jinan Bond Laser Co., Ltd.Li Lei, motsamaisi oa Lefapha la Lipapatso la lapeng la k'hamphani, o boletse hore seboka sena se kopanya likhoebo tse bohareng le tlase ho ketane ea indasteri ea laser, e thusang likhoebo holima ketane eohle ea indasteri ho ntlafala ho latela lipatlisiso tsa theknoloji le nts'etsopele, taolo ea boleng ba sehlahisoa, phetisetso ea sehlahisoa le ntlafatso.
Yu Haidian, motlatsi oa mongoli oa Komiti ea Mokha oa Masepala le ramotse oa Jinan, o boletse puong ea hae hore lilemong tsa morao tjena, toropo e 'nile ea nka nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea laser e le karolo ea bohlokoa ea kaho ea sistimi ea sejoale-joale ea indasteri, e matlafalitse tšebelisano ea indasteri. , e ile ea tšoara kaho ea merero haholo, ea khothalletsa mekhoa e mecha ea thekenoloji, 'me e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho theheng "sehlopha sa indasteri ea laser, phetoho ea katleho ea laser, sebaka sa tsoalo ea likhoebo tse tummeng tsa laser, tšebelisano-'moho ea laser New Highland".Tšusumetso ea indasteri le tlholisano ea indasteri li ntlafalitsoe haholo, 'me e ntse e tsoela pele ho ba sebaka se loketseng nts'etsopele ea boemo bo holimo ba indasteri ea laser.
Moqolotsi oa litaba o ithutile hore indasteri ea laser, e le e 'ngoe ea likarohano tsa bohlokoa tsa Jinan sesebelisoa sa mochini o phahameng oa CNC le sehlopha sa ketane ea indasteri ea liroboto, e na le ts'ebetso e ntle ea nts'etsopele.Hajoale, toropo e na le likhoebo tse fetang 300 tsa laser, Bond laser, Jinweike, Senfeng laser le likhoebo tse ling tse etelletseng pele lefapheng la likarolo tsa naha tsa indasteri li etelletseng pele.Thepa e romelloang kantle ho naha ea lihlahisoa tsa lisebelisoa tsa laser e ipapisitseng le laser cutting e Jinan e eketsehile butle-butle, e beoa pele Chaena, 'me ke setsi se seholo le sa bohlokoa sa indasteri ea lisebelisoa tsa laser ka leboea.
Ka nako ya khonferense, diporojeke tse 10 tse amang disebediswa tsa laser kristale, kalafo ya laser ya bongaka, radara e tsamayang ka mekhahlelo, makoloi a sefofane a sa sebetswang le mafapha a mang a amanang le laser a ile a tekena ka katleho, ka matsete a kakaretso a fetang diyuan tse bilione.
Ho feta moo, Alliance ea thekiso ea thepa ea laser ea Jinan e thehiloe sebakeng sa kopano, e nang le likhoebo tse fetang 30 tsa mantlha.Ka sepheo sa "ho kopanya matsoho ho bokella matla, ho holisa 'maraka ka kopanelo, le ho thusa ka bobeli le ho hapa katleho", selekane se fana ka ts'ehetso ea sethala bakeng sa ho atolosa le ho feta tekanyo ea thepa ea laser ea Jinan le ho matlafatsa tšusumetso ea machaba ea lihlahisoa tsa lisebelisoa tsa laser tsa China. .Setsi sa incubation ea indasteri ea "Qilu Optical Valley", setsi sa phapanyetsano ea machaba, setsi sa ntlafatso ea indasteri, setsi sa lits'ebeletso tsa liindasteri tse bonts'ang litsi tse 'ne li thehiloe ka molao, li ntse li tsoela pele ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tse felletseng bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea likhoebo tsa laser tsa malapeng le tsa kantle ho naha.
Ka sehlooho se reng "Ho Thabisa bokamoso ba Jinan Optical Chain", seboka se lebisitse tlhokomelo meleng e mene e meholo ea "matsete, khoebo, tšebelisano-'moho le tšebeletso" ho haha sethala se phahameng se bulehileng ho lefatše le ka ntle.Seboka sena se thehile letoto la mesebetsi e tšoanang joalo ka laser frontier technology application gossip salon, Dialogue Spring City - Puisano ea menyetla ea ntlafatso ea indasteri ea laser, litšebeletso tsa machaba tsa tšebelisano-'moho ea indasteri ea laser le lipuisano, ho hlaolela melemo e mecha ea tlholisano ea machaba ea indasteri ea laser.(ho feta)
Nako ea poso: Mar-21-2024